“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10 NIV).
The scripture implies that the believers (people created in Christ Jesus) are supposed to do good works which God prepared in advance.
But what are the good works?
Next verse.
Once upon a time, the Gentiles were excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the Covenant of Promise.
But they are now grafted in through the blood of Christ.
Therefore, the believers are now partakers of the COVENANT OF PROMISE (the Abrahamic Covenant).
Guess what?
The Abrahamic Covenant, among others, was for God to show the world His MODEL NATION; – a SHEEP NATION.
All the economic ordinances God enacted through Moses resulted in a SHEEP NATION – a Model Nation to the Gentile world.
Christians find it hard to reconcile how Jesus can say that when he returns, he will separate the Sheep Nations from the Goat Nations in Matthew 25:31-45.
To the Messianic Jew, this may not be an issue because, in the Law, God’s economic principles are clearly stated – it is supposed to be a culture devoid of greed and self-centeredness, which always results in Human misery to a culture of caring and sharing always results in Human flourishing.
If the Christian has been grafted into the covenant of promise (Abrahamic Covenant to make Him a great Nation through whom all the Nations of the earth will be blessed), then God’s economic tenets in that covenant apply today and affect believers today as well.
Sheep Nations are Great Nations.
Christianity is not a head knowledge religion; it is fellowship with a loving father through Christ Jesus.
The father has an assignment for each household member; you can only discover your assignment when you have an intimate relationship with your father.
Your assignment is the good work that God created for you through Christ Jesus to do.
Remember doing good works does not always mean you are doing it in God’s Way.
Doing God’s Will God’s Way in the marketplace leads to Breakthroughs and eventually leads to Sheep Nations.